Data Engineer

Herndon, VA


We are seeking a Data Engineer to join our team. Working at NT Concepts means that you are part of an innovative, agile company dedicated to solving the most critical challenges in National Security. We’re looking for the best and the brightest to join us in supporting this mission. If meaningful work, initiative, creativity, and continuous self-improvement are important to your career, join our growing team and discover What’s Next for you.


Mission Focus:

As a Data Engineer, you will have the unique opportunity to curate and organize data for a program advancing state-of-the-art modeling and prediction capabilities. The aim of this program is to understand object detection robustness. This requires careful curation of data as well as development and curation of synthetic data. Additionally, you will contribute to the program’s source code, implementing data curation and data science techniques.

Our delivery teams are driven to explore new ideas and technology, and care deeply about collaboration, feedback, and iteration. We follow SAFe agile practices, embrace the Ops ethos (DataOps/DevSecOps/MLOps) to “automate-first”, use modern tech stacks, and constantly challenge each other to grow and improve. 

If cutting edge data science projects resonate with you, and you care deeply about joining a mission-driven company with a strong growth direction and diverse culture, we’d love to learn more about you. Check out the details below, and let’s connect. 

Technical members of our solutions teams require little guidance, but love to learn, collaborate, and problem solve. This position requires a mid to senior level of experience, a passion for mission support, and a strong desire to solve our customers’ hardest technical and data challenges. 


Location/Flexibility: Hybrid-Remote with some on-site work required in Vienna and Chantilly, VA

The Data Engineer will be responsible for the following:

  • Assess, transform, organize, and optimize data for use by machine learning algorithms
  • Generating representative data sets for systems development and data science initiatives
  • Build data pipelines that enables data scientists and engineers and other stakeholders
  • Implement source code and code provided by the data science team


  • You have 4+ years of experience designing and implementing data curation techniques specifically those designed for imagery
  • You have built and maintained ETL pipelines and are experienced with Kubeflow pipelines
  • You have worked with imagery data, overhead imagery (optical or Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)), and synthetic data.
  • You understand large-scale distributed processing
  • You think critically about hard problems
  • You enjoy building data pipelines in ML frameworks
  • You desire a fast-paced, collaborative, Agile environment
  • You are familiar with machine and deep learning libraries such as Scikit-learn and PyTorch
  • You are proficient with the Python programming language
  • You have worked with Git version control systems
  • You are no stranger to the Linux OS


Physical Requirements: 

  • Prolonged periods sitting at a desk and working on a computer.
  • Must be able to lift up to 10-15 pounds at times.


About NT Concepts

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in the Washington DC Metro area, NT Concepts is a private, mid-tier company with clients spanning the Intelligence and Defense communities. We deliver end-to-end ​data and technology solutions ​that advance the modernization, transformation, and automation of the national security mission—solutions with real impact developed in a strong engineering culture that encourages technical growth, leadership, and creative “big idea” problem-solving.

Employees are the core of NT Concepts. We understand that world-changing concepts happen in collaborative environments. We are a company where talented and diverse teams work together using innovation and expertise to solve our clients’ most critical challenges. Here, you’ll gain competitive benefits, opportunities to bolster your skills and develop new abilities, and a company culture dedicated to support and service. In addition to our benefits program, we encourage our employees to take part in #NTC_GivesBack, which paves the way for positive social change.

If joining a stable company with strong professional growth opportunities resonates with you, and you seek vital, mission-driven projects (for some pretty cool clients) that use your specific talents, we’d love to have you move forward with us.

Together is Better

We believe diversity and inclusion drive innovation, and that when we work together, we can accomplish anything. NT Concepts is a people-first, Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer—regardless of a person’s race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, Veteran status, or any other protected class. If you have a disability and need accommodation, let us know. All resumes are held in confidence. NT Concepts participates in E-Verify.

Category: Software Developer
Herndon, VA

We are aware of a cyber scam targeting prospective candidates coming from the domain name ntconceptscareers attempting to solicit personal and/or financial information.

Stay vigilant in your job search and never send this type of protected data over email/chat/etc. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Together is better.

We believe diversity and inclusion drive innovation, and that when we work together, we can accomplish anything. NT Concepts is a people-first, Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer—regardless of a person’s race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, Veteran status, or any other protected class. If you have a disability and need accommodation, let us know.  All resumes are held in strict confidence. NT Concepts participates in E-Verify.