The Million Meals Challenge

Join our Million Meals Challenge & help end hunger!

Ending hunger is a BIG problem that requires a BIG solution — and people & organizations working together to make a true impact.

That’s why NT Concepts has challenged ourselves—and you—to provide 1,000,000 meals to people all over the world facing hunger and food insecurity.

The Challenge is big. It’s bold. It might take a while. But when we journey together and support each other (two of our core values!), we can accomplish anything!

Current Stats
Million Meals Packed
Flash Pack Events
Meals Packed
Meal Donations
How can you help?

Go Flash Pack!

#NTC_GivesBack Flash Packs are fast and easy 2-hour meal packing events of dried goods that are distributed to local or international food relief facilities of your choice.

Flash Packs are comprised of teams working together in an assembly line to create protein-enriched meals (weighing, sealing, and boxing). Two teams (24 people) can normally pack over 10K meals in under two hours! Flash Packs are safe and family-friendly—perfect for ages five and up!


Put your team together

All you need to do is put together a team or teams(s) of 12 people. Better yet, go head-to-head with a “who can pack the most” team challenge!


Let us know you’re ready to go

We’ll work with our Million Meals Challenge (MMC) partners, The Outreach Program and Generosity Feeds, to schedule the packing event and supply the dried goods. NT Concepts will help with event setup and contribute to the cost of your Flash Pack!


Go and do good!

Show up at your event and get Flash Packing! Our MMC partners will report the Flash Pack event meals provided and we’ll add it to our 1,000,000 meal goal!